Greetings to all the esteemed members of Indian Society of Soil Salinity & Water Quality. I feel honoured to serve the Indian Society of Soil Salinity and Water Quality
(ISSSWQ) as President since 14 March 2023. During my long association with the Society as Vice-President and General Secretary, I have witnessed the steady growth of the Society. I acknowledge the excellent work and tireless efforts of all our past Presidents and Executive Councils members for nurturing the society as a leading national society. Besides, six National Conferences/ Seminars and one nternational Salinity Conference highlighting the topical issues. Recently, the Society has successfully organized 6 th National Conference on “Salinity Management for Land Degradation Neutrality and Livelihood Security under Changing Climate” jointly withTNAU, Coimbatore and ICAR-CSSRI at ADAC&RI, Tiruchirappalli (TN) during 11-13 October 2022 and more than 250 delegates participated. The Society has also organized the Golden Jubilee International Salinity Conference-2019 on Resilient Agriculture in Saline Environments under Changing Climate: Challenges &Opportunities at Karnal during 7-9 February 2019.
In the past, the Society has provided platform through conferences organized on various important themes to engage our members, experts, stakeholders and farmers in far reaching places for the exchange of ideas to develop road map for solving the multifaceted issues being faced by the agrarian community in saline ecosystems. I appreciate all the members of the Society for their whole hearted support and cooperation for making all these events successful. Presently, some new initiatives are taken up for further expansion and modernization of the Society. These include upgradation of the Society website, migration of our Journal to the open journal system (ICAR ePubs), improving Journal NAAS rating, online availability of all published articles and volumes of the Journal. The Society will strive to provide platform to the research and academia for convergence and sharing of ideas for developing solutions to the new challenges of soil health management and climate change mitigation with Indian perspective. I hope, the inclusive scientific stewardship of the Society will develop the ways forward for achieving the targets of land degradation neutrality (LDN) and 4 per 1000 initiative- Soils for Food Security and Climate, especially in the Indian context. I earnestly request all the esteemed members to visit the Society website and communicate invaluable suggestions and feedback for further improving various services rendered by the society. I once again thank all the members for giving me the opportunity to serve as the President of the Society.
Dr. R.K. Yadav