Guidelines for authors for submitting manuscript for publication in the

“Journal of Soil Salinity and Water Quality

The authors are advised to follow the guidelines given in latest issue of journal for preparation of manuscript.

The authors are required to submit one electronic copy to Journal website. The receipt of manuscript as well as subsequent correspondences regarding the manuscript will be done electronically only.


  • The article should be as concise as possible. All the full length papers should comprise of Short title, Title, Author(s)’ name(s), Affiliations, email ID of corresponding author, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgement (if any), References, Tables and Figures (if any). The text under each section should throughout have 12 fonts in MSW, Times New Roman, justified with 1.5 line spacing. However in the Abstract part, text should be 11 font with 1.5 line spacing and should not exceeds 250 words.


  • The total length of article should not exceed 15 typed pages (2.5 cm. margin on each side of A4 paper) including Tables and Figures.


  • All headings should be bold in capital letters with 12 fonts except Title which should be in Title Case and have 14 fonts. However, the subheadings within each section wherever necessary should be in title case bold in 14 font, further headings should be in Sentence case and bold; whereas further sob-sub titles should be bold italic. All main and subheadings should be aligned left.


Title Page

It should be a separate page and comprise of following:

Short Title: It should have a short title (not exceeding five words in italics) on the top of right hand corner.

Title: It should not exceed 15 words and should reflect the contents of paper. It should be in title case like

“Alleviation of Sodicity Stress on Rice Genotypes by Phosphorous Fertilization”.

Author(s): Name of author(s) should be 12 font bold (without their official designations), aligned in center and in the title case like “A.K. Aggarwal and M.K. Tiwari”.


Address: Each author’s name should have number as superscript to indicate the address. The corresponding author’s name should have number as superscript to indicate more than one address. The corresponding author’s name should have asterisk (*) mark as superscript e.g. A.K. Aggarwal*1 and M.K. Tiwari2. The address should be written in italics as shown below:

*1: Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Zarifa Farm, Kachhwa Road, Karnal-132001, Haryana, India

2: Indian Institute of Soil Science, Nabibagh,, Berasia Road, Bhopal-462038, Madhya Pradesh, India.

All addresses should be complete indicating state/ province, PIN/ postal code and country etc. The email ID of corresponding author should be given after the address. The total number of pages, tables and figures of the manuscript should also be mentioned on title page.


First Page

Actual paging (on right lower corner) of the manuscript should start from this page. It should have full title of paper followed by Abstract, Keywords and Introduction, etc. To ensure anonymity of the author(s), author’s names and addresses should not be indicated on this page.


Abstract: Its contents should be in 11 font, single space and single paragraph with justified alignment.

Key words: Key words should appear just after the abstract and to be written as key words (11 fonts). These may beup to 7 in alphabetic order each separated by a comma and in title case. The scientific names (if any) should be italicized. e.g.

Key words: Agroforestry model, Biodrainage, Gypsum, Oryza sativa L., Salt tolerance,


Tables and figures

Each table and figure should have 12 font and be given on separate page after References part. Table 1 and Figure 1 should be written as Table 1 (bold) and Fig. 1 (bold), respectively. Table caption should appear on the top of table whereas figure caption should be just below the figure. Figures captions and matter should be legible with 8-12 font size. Maximum size of tables and figures should be such that these can be conveniently accommodated in A4 size page. Approximate position of the tables and figures should be indicated in the text of the manuscript.



References should be in alphabetic and chronological order and should not be serial numbered. The author(s) names should start with surname, comma after initials. If first author has two publications in a year, single author paper should appear first. Year should be bracketed. The journal names should be in full without abbreviation and should be italicized. Volume No. should be in bold. Few examples are given below:

Journal : Dagar JC, Tomar OS, Minhas PS and Kumar M (2013). Lemon grass productivity as affected by salinity of irrigation water, planting methods and fertilizer doses on a calcareous soil in a semi-arid region of northwest India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 83(7): 734-738.


Book : Singh NT (2005). Irrigation and Soil Salinity in the Indian Subcontinent- Past and Present. Lehigh University Press, Bethlehem, USA, pp 404.


Book Chapter: Tyagi NK (1998) Management of salt-affected soils. In: Singh GB and Sharma BR (eds) 50 Years of Natural Resource Management Research. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India, pp 363-401.


Online Reference: Rhoades JD, Kandiah A and Mashali AM (1992). The use of saline waters for crop production- FAO irrigation and drainage paper 48. Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome. (http://


Conference/Symposium Proceedings: Suarez DL and Lebron I (1993) Water quality criteria for irrigation with highly saline water. In: Lieth H and Al Masoom AA (eds) Towards the Rational Use of High Salinity Tolerant Plants, Vol 2-Agriculture and Forestry under Marginal Soil Water Conditions. Proceedings of the first ASWAS Conference (December 8-15, 1990), United Arab Emirates University Al Ain, UAE. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, pp 389-397.


M.Sc/ Ph.D. Thesis: Ammer MHM (2004). Molecular Mapping of Salt Tolerance in Rice. Ph.D. Thesis, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India.


Bulletin: Abrol IP, Dargan KS and Bhumbla DR (1973) Reclaiming Alkali Soils. Bulletin No. 2. Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal, 58p.


Short communication: While writing Short Communication one should focus on studies of limited scope, preliminary data, unique observations or research technique and apparatus. The length of short communication should not exceed 3 published pages. Short communication should comprise of short title, title, names with affiliations and text dealing with material and methods, results and discussion and references but there should not be any main head except of references. It should not have abstract and keywords.


Book review: These are generally invited, however, one may send critical Book Review along with one original book for consideration by editorial board. Units to be followed The international system of units (SI units) should be used throughout. Authors may consult Clark’s Tables: Science Data Book by Orient Longman, New Delhi (1982) for guidance.

The terms like Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium and Zinc may be denoted as N, P, K and Zn, respectively and dose expressed as kg ha-1 for field experiments. For pot studies, units like mg kg-1 should be followed.


Common units and symbols

time=t, metre=m, second=s, centimeter=cm, cubic centimeter=cm3, cubic metre=m3, degree Celsius=ÚC, day=d, gram=g, hectare= ha (104m2), Hour=h, Kilometer=km, Kilogram=kg, litre=l, Megagram=Mg (tons to be given in Mg), Microgram=μg, Micron=μm, milimole=mmol, milliequivalent=meq, micromol=μmol, milligram=mg, milliliter=ml, minute=min, nanometer=nm, square centimeter=cm2, square kilometer=km2,electrical conductivity= (EC)=dS m-1 (deci Siemens m-1), gas diffusion=g m2 s-1, water flow=m3 m2s-1, ion uptake= mol kg-1 of dried plant material, leaf area=m2kg-1, nutrient content in plants= mg g-1 (dry matter basis), root density or root length density= m m-3, soil bulk density= g cm-3, transpiration rate=mg m2 s-1, water content of soil=kg kg-1, water tension=kPa, yield (grain or forage)= Mg ha-1, organic carbon content of soil= percent (%), cation exchange capacity of soil= cmol (p+) kg-1


Style Guidelines

All soils discussed in the manuscript should be identified according to the U.S Soil Taxonomic System at first mention. The Latin binomial or trinomial and authority must be must be shown for all plants, insects, pathogens, microorganisms and animals when first mentioned. Both the accepted common name and the chemical name of any chemicals mentioned (including pesticides) must be provided. SI units must be used throughout the manuscript.

Corresponding metric or English units may be added in parentheses at the discretion of the author. For spelling, Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary should be used as reference. If a commonly available product is mentioned, the name and the location of manufacturer should be included in parentheses after first mention. Responsibility of the facts and opinions expressed in the articles rests entirely with the author(s) and not with the journal